Graduate Courses Taken By Undergraduates
An undergraduate may petition for up to nine semester units of graduate coursework taken as an undergraduate student for postbaccalaureate credit providing that:
- the courses are at the 3000, 4000, or 5000 level;
- none of the courses to be taken for graduate credit is applied to the bachelor's degree;
- the student has senior standing (has completed 90 semester units) and an upper-division grade point average of 2.75 or better; some departments may specify a higher GPA;
- the petition is submitted before the end of the last week of instruction in the semester in which the work is performed; retroactive credit will not be granted;
- the petition is endorsed by the instructor of the course, and approved by the student's undergraduate Department Chair, College Dean, and the Graduate Studies Office.
If the petition is approved, the courses for which such credit is requested will be identified on the transcript as postbaccalaureate coursework as applicable, and grades earned will be considered in the cumulative postbaccalaureate-GPA as applicable. If no petition is filed, the coursework will be considered undergraduate work.
Petitions for consideration of coursework taken as an undergraduate student will not be considered from students after completion of the undergraduate degree.
When an undergraduate student takes a graduate course, there will be no differential evaluation procedure. All students in the class will be considered graduate students and evaluated according to postbaccalaureate standards established by the associated graduate college.
Contact the Graduate Studies Office for further information.